Name: Miguel
Your Story: Came Back To the Truth Will let me share my story with you
guys. I was raised Catholic, all my family is Catholic. My parents will take us
to church on Sunday. Well during Sunday Mass I will tell my mom I need to go to
the bathroom, it was a lied. I will go play in the parking lot. My mother will
not look for us. It went on for two years. Those time
was when I was teenager. I went to High school and got involved with gangs and drugs , sex. Those years I forgot about God. Those five
years of drugs and sex were not good. I was looking for "
Love." So I got deeper in to drugs and I had two overdose of
cocaine. I was not ready to go and met The Almighty One. So my best friend who
was a Fundamentalism took me to his church. He offer
to pick me up and drop me off. Since I didn't know about my faith so I didn't
care. This happened for two years. So when day that my friend
pick me up with another buddy. They started to attack the Catholic
Church and about Mary. I had a Catholic Bible, I
thought it was the same Bible. They told me to put my Catholic Bible away. My
friend said that Mary was nobody important. My friend stated Catholic worship
Mary and saints. They were anti-Catholic.. The same
day I had a funny feeling in my heart. I heard in my head "go back and
learn about your faith." I asked God to give me a sign. My
brother in law who owns a book store in Spanish. He said that he was
walking around his store and found this book call "Surprise By
truth." by Patrick Madrid.. The
reason why he gave me the book because it was in English. A month later
I open the book. I was glad that I open the book. This book was about people
who Convert To Catholicism. A month
later a got hold of a tape of Dr. Scott Hahn about his convert. The
Bible speak in Matthew 16-18 "And now I say to You: You are Peter ( or Rock) and on this rock I will build my church; and
never will the powers of death overcome it. That open
my eyes and heart. I glad that my form friend attack the church that open my
eyes to the truth.. This letter goes to My Jesus and Mary . And also to my wife & daughter (
Veronica & Julia Serrano_) Here is my e-mail (