Embryonic Stem Cell Research from the Baby's Point of View

One of the things that irritate me no end is the dishonesty of the media in confusing “adult” stem cell research with “embryonic” stem cell research. They love to say that Catholics–and in the recent situation–that John McCain, oppose “stem cell research.” Notice they use the generic “stem cell research” instead of making the distinction between embryonic and adult stem cells.
Things are said like, “Catholics are against stem cell research–those primitive aborigines! They oppose science and progress.”
What a LIE! The Catholic Church is NOT against stem cell research; it is against EMBRYONIC stem cell research which destroys conceived human life. Adult stem cell research does not! Adult stem cell research is not to be confused embryonic stem cell research. On top of that, adult stem cells have produced much more promising results than embryonic stem cell research. But I doubt the media will tell you that either.
Why does the liberal media confuse the two? Because they want to confuse you! So, start protesting and making sure everyone knows the truth.
Hey, Umbert below understands a bit about embryonic stem cell research.
