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On January 1st Janet and I decided to take our health seriously. I turned 54 on December 29th and realized that even though I still felt like a kid, I was really not a kid any more. The doctor said if I wanted to watch my grandkids grow up and get married I needed to change our life style.
(Notice the words on my t-shirt!)
Traveling a lot makes it very hard to exercise and eat good. But I am not one to be controlled — I prefer to control my environment and myself, so . . .
. . . Janet and I (and our kids) decided to lose weight, eat only excellent and healthy foods, and exercise every day. We have been running 4-5 miles a day on the treadmill or taking long walks together.
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The result is I hit my first goal today — losing 20 pounds. On January 1, I was 183 and today I am 163. Janet was 130 and today she is 120 pounds. Even on the cruise ship I lost a few pounds!! (I took my scale with me 🙂 My ultimate goal is another 8 pounds — to spend the rest of my life at 155 pounds.
You can learn more about how we did it and the website and books we used here.
The pictures are me before (with my daughter Charlotte) and me now (in front of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem)! I feel like a million bucks again!
