A bit of background: Catholic convert Patty Bonds — a good friend of mine and the older sister of James White — has told her story of years of sexual abuse at the hands of their father — a Baptist pastor. She has told her story on her website Abba’s Little Girl (no longer on-line) and on EWTN’s “The Journey Home” (here and here). I wrote about her story here and here. Her latest installment, explaining her brother James White can be read here.
I added this info now and earlier because she has been under vicious attack by her brother ever since her conversion to Catholicism — and especially since she told her story of sexual abuse on EWTN and began helping others who have been sexually abused. Instead of defending or helping his sister, which any sensible brother would do, White has only rubbed salt in her wounds. She asked me to post her story on my blog to help others become aware of her website and story. She wanted to help others find healing as she has found healing. As a friend, I was happy to comply. As a result it has fueled the fire of White’s frenzy.
Patty Bonds Responds to her brother James White’s Frenzied Videos — by Acknowledging her Friends and Exposing the Lies

1) This matter discussed by Dr. Art Sippo on his blog.
James White’s older sister Patty Bonds’ (convert to Catholicism) responds to her brother with a grace-filled, honest, heartfelt, and painful response. Nice job Patty! Sorry you have to go through all of this — like rubbing salt in the wound. I think your brother doth protest too much.
3) William Albrecht responds by YouTube, Part I
4) Dave Armstrong weighs in on the issue too. Now expanded.
5) Dave Armstrong documents White’s bizarre obsession with Steve Ray
6) William’s 2nd Video response below on Youtube
7) A Catholic Texan speaks his mind too.
To explain the background a little bit more: Anti-Catholic James White has demonstrated an almost bizarre obsession with me over the last few years based on what people have told me about his blog and radio shows and the documentation of a bit of it by Dave Armstrong. I do not frequent his blog any more than I frequent the city dump, but people tell me he claims I am irrelevant and unimportant yet to the contrary I am told he is quite infatuated and spends an inordinate amount of time trying to refute and quash me.
He must consider me more important than he claims, and certainly a lot more important than I consider him. I’m told that his latest tirades continue to demonstrate his obsession. Almost reminds me of the 1971 Clint Eastwood movie “Play Misty for Me.” If you have not seen the movie it’s a creepy flick where the anti-hero Evelyn (played by Jessica Walter) is obsessed with Dave (played by Clint Eastwood) and can’t think of anything else. She watches every move and reacts to every word. Even though Clint was flattered at first, he soon realizes he is dealing with a very affected person as the movie progresses.
If I had the least respect for this guy I would take it as a left-handed compliment. Actually its rather sad and I don’t pay much attention any more. He is a whiny, egotistical bore — a huge waste of time. Every time I’ve tangled with him in the past I felt like I needed a shower with a good bar of antibacterial soap. It’ no different now.

(Picture: Janet and I interviewing Patty Bonds in Phoenix for upcoming segment of our Defenders of the Faith series.)
My purpose was not to attack her brother, even though he seems to think that it was. Actually I knew about this situation years ago and never said a thing. Other knew too and never said anything. Had we wanted to, we could have — but we did not (see Art Sippo’s comments) because I did not want to use such a tragedy to embarrass anyone or to betray a trust.
It was not until Patty told her story publicly on EWTN’s The Journey Home (link above) and asked me to help publicize her website that I said a word to anyone. Out of my great respect and love for Patty I kept silent because she had become a dear friend to me and my wife and had confided this tragedy to us in confidence. She has also become a dear friend to many other Catholics like Patrick Madrid, Dr. Scott Hahn, Marcus Grodi, and others who appreciated her candor, her forgiveness, and impressive conversion and her love for the Lord Jesus and His Church.
James, on the other hand, is constantly blustering, bullying, and demonstrating what appears to be a deep-seated anger. He thinks I have assisted Patty in making her story known to hurt him. That is because James White seems thinks everything is about him. Actually I feel sorry for a man who seems to live in such a constant state of anger and frustration — even denial, according to his sister’s explanation. I don’t waste time arguing with him — it is futile. I simply pray for him to find peace and conversion.
His older sister Patty has found the grace to forgive. She has a profound peace and tranquility by the grace of God in the heart of the Catholic Church. I have seen it in her eyes and heard it in her words many times.  She is courageous, forgiving and quite candid with her story. If you haven’t met her on her website or read her heartfelt journey out of darkness, I suggest you do. I suggest we all pray for her younger brother to find the same peace his older sister has found.
Anyway, my friend William Albrecht just posted a video on YouTube confronting White’s nasty-grams. I appreciate friends like William. He is a good man. If you have ever heard of James White or are interested in such things, here is the video uploaded to YouTube by my friend William. You may also want to visit Patrick Madrid’s site and read his “The White Man’s Burden” post and get the debate that he makes available. By the way, he is also a good friend of Patty’s and has done much to help her through her darkness into the light.
In the meantime, after a shower, I’m on to more substantial and pleasant endeavors — like Easter and my father’s 90th birthday party and teaching at a university in Rome. Happy Easter everyone!
